Modern illustration of a kelpie by Tetramira on Tumblr, 2017
Origin: Scottish mythology
Combination: human + horse + water
Classification: Mammal
Other Names: Kentauro, Hippocentaur, Hypocentaurus,
Sagitair, Sagitarius, Ypocentauros
Associations: dangerous beauty, drowning, shape-shifting
Kelpie is a mythical creature from Scottish folklore, specifically associated with bodies of water such as rivers and lochs. It is often depicted as a shape-shifting water spirit that usually takes the form of a horse.
The Kelpie is said to be an incredibly strong and powerful creature, capable of luring unsuspecting people, particularly children, into the water. It is believed to appear as a beautiful and majestic horse, tempting people to ride on its back. However, once a person mounts the Kelpie, they become stuck, and the creature drags them into the depths of the water, devouring them.
The Kelpie is considered a malevolent being, associated with drownings and water-related accidents. It is known for its cunning and ability to manipulate its appearance to deceive its victims.