Illustration of an onocentaur by Angelo Vergatio and his daughter in Manuel Philes’ “De animalium proprietate,” mid-late 16th Century
Origin: Ancient Greek mythology
Combination: human + donkey
Classification: Mammal
Other Names: Onocentaurus
Associations: healing, music, centaurs
The onocentaur is a mythical creature from Greek mythology. It possesses the upper body of a human and the lower body of a donkey. Known for its wisdom and healing abilities, the onocentaur is a revered figure in ancient Greece. It possesses extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and their properties, making it sought after for its expertise in herbal medicine.
Onocentaurs are gentle beings who live in harmony with nature, often dwelling in secluded areas such as forests or caves. They are known to be compassionate and caring, offering their healing services to those in need. The onocentaur's donkey lower body enables it to traverse rugged terrains with ease, allowing it to gather rare herbs and medicinal plants. These creatures are often depicted as wise counselors and healers, providing guidance and remedies to both humans and other mythological beings.